Antidepressant use during pregnancy and psychiatric disorders in offspring: Danish nationwide register based cohort study(doi: 10.1136/bmj.j3668)
Incident Use of a Potentially Inappropriate Medication and Hip Fracture in Community-Dwelling Older Persons With Alzheimer’s Disease
Virva Hyttinen(University of Eastern Finland,Kuopio/Finland),ほか
Ann. Pharmacother. 51(9)725-734/(2017.9)
Letter to the Editor:月1回のPaliperidone Palmitate使用に関連した低ナトリウム血症;1症例の報告
Hyponatremia Associated With Once-Monthly Paliperidone Palmitate Use
Alex N. Isaacs(Purdue University College of Pharmacy,Indianapolis/USA),ほか
Ann. Pharmacother. 51(9)817-818/(2017.9)